By removing the statue of Penis Satan, you are taking from us our freedom of expression, restricting our sexuality, and stigmatizing our religious beliefs. Please return him immediately. ~ Chavi Alvarez
Penis Satan is fucking dank ~ Sam Osborn
This statue is glorious! ~ Helen Hogeterp
Penis satan is my only god ~ Jacob Schwinghammer
As citizens we have right to make our home as we see fit. It is unfair that all must be politically correct because of a few prudes. Move aside, it is our generations turn to make the rules. ~ Steven Zalagenas
It represents freedom of speech and being able to express art without compromise ~ Maziar Tahmasebpour
This was a really funny statue and I think it's really progressive for the art world. ~ Paige Rohrick
The statue is made of a rare material: awesomeness. ~ Sam Knaip
I think that this statue is a work of art that was created with considerable effort and that it represents a bold statement about the relevance of religious symbology in today's world. Bring it back, please. ~ Lise Dahl
Because good dick is important to me. ~ Kristen Goodall
free him ~ Gemma Goletski
The anatomically-correct Satan statue reminds us that there is still hope in the world, even on our darkest days. ~ Frances Beswick
THIS IS IMPORTANT ~ Michelle Hanley
I'm signing because I believe that Sir Mr. Dr. Penis Satan should be brought back because his penis needs to spread his Satan Babies all over the men and women of the world. `~ Micheal Williams
Penis Satan represents religious equality for Satanists, in a Christian dominated society. In today's age it's common to see crosses or religious statues in the public. If Penis Satan cannot be displayed to the public, then crosses etc., should be removed as well, out of respect for other religious beliefs. ~ Taylor McGugan
He is a beacon of hope in an otherwise bleak dystopia. ~ Simone Dahl
This is art. And religion. And to deny the city freedom of religion and art you are being selective and oppressive. If this statue is to be taken down so should the crosses on all hospitals and churches. ~ Ellen Scorcesi
"for it's an idea of free people" ~ Bárdossy Szabolcs
The old goat deserves his day. Hail Satan! ~ Mack Fuller
Even Satan's erection deserves support. ~ Adam Staudacher
Art's greatest triumph is when it can evoke emotion, spark interest and controversy, and bring a community together. This piece has done all of these things. ~ Simone Plusa
Art should not be 'judged', as it is an expression of a feeling and is supposed to push the boundaries of our imagination.
This statue will have as many meanings as it does viewer ~ Brad Seaward
God wants this. ~ Jonathan Lee
We need that dang statue ~ Kipp Thompson
LQDXXNC (pronounced Liquid Essence) is an art collective based in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
We specialize in creating art that pushes the boundaries of what is possible.
We acknowledge we are on the unceded territory of the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh First Nations.
Email: lqdxxnc@gmail.com